Don’t Be Afraid, God Is with You! – Joshua 1:7; Numbers 14:9

Joshua is known for leading the Israelites during momentous occasions including when they crossed the Jordan River, marched around Jericho, and conquered and settled the promised land. But why was Joshua chosen to lead? And how can his story help you become a better leader? Watch this video and be encouraged that Joshua was just […]

Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat? – Romans 12

Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? Why does it matter? Thermometers reflect the temperature. Thermostats change the temperature. Watch this video by Pastor Mark Batterson and be encouraged that we’re not supposed to be swayed by external circumstances. We’re called to take our cues from Christ and to shift the atmosphere around us as […]

Little by Little We Grow with God – Exodus 23:29–30

God had promised the Israelites that He would bring them into the land of milk and honey where they would prosper, but it didn’t happen overnight. Just like the Israelites, many times we’re in a rush to see God fulfill His promises to us. We forget that God’s good plans take time. If you’re finding […]

I’m So Tired of Waiting! – Psalm 103:5

Are you feeling weary and getting tired of waiting? Are you wondering when God will answer your prayer or if He’ll ever answer you? If you’re running low on hope and patience, watch the video and be encouraged. God is working even while you wait. Written and presented by Eryn Eddy. If you’re feeling drained […]

How to Enter a Room with Confidence – 1 Samuel 17

Intimidation can come in many different ways including from a specific person, something that you read, or even something that you see on social media. If you’re feeling intimidated and are tempted to shrink back from what God’s called you to do, watch the video and take courage in knowing that God helped David fight […]

How to Be a Culture-Changer – 1 Timothy 4:12

As believers, we are called to be in this world, but not of it. How does that work? Scripture shows us that we aren’t meant to conform to the culture but change it. Watch today’s video for inspiration on being a culture-changer. Written and presented by Cade Thompson. Get Cade Thompson’s music here.