Be Like Salt of the Earth – Matthew 5:13

What does being “the salt of the earth” mean? Today adding salt makes something taste better, but in the first century, salt preserved things from decay. Our lives should look different from our neighbors. Watch today’s video and discover how you can be the good in this world. Written and presented by Samer Massad. For […]

Wandering Away from Wonderful – Psalm 139:14

What are your new year’s resolutions? Maybe it’s to exercise more, eat better, start new habits and stop old ones. In our various attempts to make ourselves wonderful, don’t be discouraged when you look in the mirror. Watch this video and be reminded that you are wonderfully made. Written and presented by Darren Youngstrom. If […]

Surviving, Not Thriving? – Matthew 11:28–29

Are you ready for the new year? This may bring both excitement and anxiety. Sometimes it feels like life is just one obligation after another, and suddenly you forget what peace feels like. Watch this video and be encouraged to give whatever your burdens are to Jesus. Written and presented by Samer Massad. Thank you […]