Who’s Watching the Kids?! – Psalm 139:16

Parents, we’re just trying to keep our kids alive, right? Whether it be through covering up the electrical sockets in our homes or demanding they shoot us a text when they arrive safely at a friend’s house. Our instinct to protect our children from harm can often overwhelm us, but we can rest knowing that […]

The Road Less Traveled By – Psalm 16:11

Scripture tells us that the path of life that God reveals to us is the only path that leads to joy. Watch this video to see how you can seek God and His wisdom as you make important decisions. Written by John Blase. Presented by Darren Youngstrom. Like, Share, and Subscribe at https://ourdailybread.org/videos to get […]

Stand Firm through Fire – Daniel 3:24-25

Fire can be both concerning and mystifying, can’t it? Today’s video shares a powerful story from the Bible about three men who maintained a fire for God while facing a perilous fire. Watch it and be encouraged by the power of God’s fire! Written and presented by Giovanny Castro Jr. Like, Share, and Subscribe at […]

Navigating Life’s Uncertainties – Psalm 102:19

Life can be moving along just fine when—Wham!—something comes out of nowhere to throw us off course. We didn’t see it coming, but God knew all along. We can trust that God is all-knowing and all-seeing and is in control, no matter the uncertainties we may face in life. Written by Xochitl Dixon. Presented by […]