Forgiveness Frees You Forward – Ephesians 4:32

People are messy, and relationships are sometimes even messier. We all have been or will be hurt by someone close to us at different moments in life. And we’re left with the decision—forgive or resent? While you ponder this, remember the undeserving forgiveness that was extended to you on the cross. Written and presented by […]

A Tool for Being Intentional – Luke 9:62

It’s easy to be distracted from what really matters in life. In the gospel of Luke, chapter 9, Jesus uses a metaphor featuring a popular agricultural tool of the time—a scratch plow—to illustrate that Christ followers must harness themselves to an intentional focus on sustaining and advancing the kingdom of God. Written and presented by […]

What Are You Thinking About? – Philippians 4:8

On average, you have 70,000 thoughts every day! How many of them are true, honorable, and praiseworthy? Remember that our thoughts have great power. They influence how we think about ourselves and how we treat others. Challenge yourself to catch thoughts that aren’t pleasing to God and make them obedient to Him. Written and presented […]