All the Ways God Loves Us – 1 John 4:19

Our first instinct in relational conflict isn’t always to love the other person. In fact, good relationships crumble because we’re unwilling to love through grace and forgiveness. When we can’t muster love for a person who has offended us, we need to remember that God chose to love us first even though we offended Him. […]

It’s All About the Heart – John 4:21–24

The gospel is designed to unite us rather than divide us. But how many times in our sinful nature do we cause unnecessary divisions by our attitudes and our actions even with fellow believers? Worshiping Christ is a matter of the heart, and no one who follows Him wholeheartedly should ever be excluded. Written by […]

Sometimes Everything Goes Wrong – 2 Corinthians 4:8–9

Life can get very discouraging when things out of your control keep happening to you. From a broken-down car to deep wounds inflicted by others, the world is full of disappointments and hurts. But there is One who battles on your behalf—Jesus—and you can trust Him with your life. Written by Andrea Chatelain. Presented by […]