I’m in Way Over My Head! – 2 Timothy 1:6

Have you ever taken a step of obedience but then quickly realized the first step wasn’t even the hardest step? Sometimes the middle of the journey is most difficult. Learn how to keep going when you feel you’re in over your head. Written and presented by Samer Massad. Share this video to spread encouragement to […]

The Best Advice Comes From . . . – 1 Corinthians 3:7

We all look for advice, especially from those we deem as wise and intelligent. But we can miss the best advice while looking for the familiar. Our YouTube and social media feeds fail in comparison to the wisdom that comes from God. Spend time listening to His advice today. Written and presented by Andrea Chatelain. […]

Courageous vs. Comfortable – Matthew 14:22–33

Our comfort zones give us the reassurance of safety. But what happens when God calls you out of that space and into the unknown? It’s time to get uncomfortable and courageous in the face of fear. Watch today’s video for inspiration to have courage. Written and presented by Samer Massad. Get outside your comfort zone.