Growing the Family Business – Revelation 7:9

As people, we tend to gravitate towards others who are like us. Even in our faith communities. But when you follow Jesus, you are pulled into a family full of believers from all over the world. Learning to love and appreciate this diversity is all part of growing the family business. Written and presented by […]

We’re Not Meant to Conform – Romans 12:2

Do you like to keep up with the trends? Having fun and enjoying life is good. But what happens when bad things trend like disrespect, hurting others, or even hatred? Those should make believers uncomfortable. This video reminds us of what to do when we come against hard things in the world. Written and presented […]

Can Anything Good Come From . . . – 2 Corinthians 8:9

Has good come from something bad in your life? That’s the way that life works. Some of the most beautiful things, such as our salvation, are birthed from ugliness like the cross. What is God doing with the uncomfortable things in your life today? Watch this video for encouragement to trust Him. Written and presented […]

Persevere Through It All – 2 Corinthians 12:7–10

Jesus’ divine power is most clearly displayed on the backdrop of human weakness. While God works through you, He almost always changes you in the process. Through His Spirit, God enables you to persevere no matter what you face. Written and presented by Samer Massad. Share this video to spread encouragement to someone who needs […]

Why So Opinionated? – 1 Corinthians 4:5

We have an opinion about everything. Especially on social media. When someone expresses their beliefs or thoughts, we rush to judgment. But what does that do for us? What would happen if we allowed God to judge us instead? Written and presented by Andrea Chatelain. If you enjoyed this video, we think you’ll love this […]