Anything Is Possible for Those Who Believe – Mark 9:23

It’s easy to trust God when life is good, but what happens when we don’t see our prayers answered the way we want or God seems to be taking too long? If you find yourself short on faith, take heart! Watch the video and be encouraged to believe and to find out what happens when […]

What Does “Revelation” Mean? – Book of Revelation

If the book of Revelation seems too confusing or mysterious to understand, you’re not alone. But a great place to start learning about this final book of the Bible is to know what the word “revelation” means. Watch the video to find out the meaning behind the book’s name and how the book of Revelation […]

Friends through Thick and Thin – 1 Corinthians 13:7

Hard times are a little more bearable when we have close friends we can lean on for encouragement and support. It’s equally important to be there for our friends during their trials. Watch the video to be reminded that the more we become like our heavenly Father, the more we can help demonstrate God’s enduring […]

Courage to Go Where God Leads – 1 Chronicles 28:20

Ever feel like you’re not good enough or brave enough to do what God’s asking you to do? If you’re feeling unqualified, take heart! Watch the video to hear singer and songwriter Britt Nicole share some insights she learned that helped her say yes to God’s plan for her life. Written and presented by Britt […]

Adults Throw Tantrums Too! – Proverbs 3:5

If we’re honest, we’ll admit that sometimes when things don’t go our way we pout, whine, or lash out like a child. But God expects more from us. Watch the video to hear acclaimed singer and songwriter Nicole C. Mullen share insight she learned during a time she experienced failure but chose to keep her […]

Obeying God in the Small Things – Numbers 8:2–3

Ever wonder why the Israelites had to set up God’s dwelling place exactly the way He said and with some very strange stipulations? Why do small steps of obedience matter to God? Watch the video to learn the importance of trusting and obeying God even when what He’s asking of you seems small or insignificant. […]

Do Your Words Encourage or Discourage? – Ephesians 4:29

Our words are powerful. The words we speak can build others up or tear them down, so we need to choose our words wisely. Watch the video to hear film writer and producer, Stephen Kendrick, share insights about the importance of demonstrating God’s love to others through speaking words that edify and encourage and by […]

Nice and Kind Are Not the Same – Romans 12:9-10

Having manners and etiquette is nice, but do we mistake being nice for being kind? Are our actions when we respond to someone in our community truly sincere or are we pretending to be compassionate, agreeable, and concerned about injustice among our family and friends? Looking to grow deeper in your faith this year? Subscribe […]