Jesus’ Definition of Inclusion – Romans 12:16

Are you inclusive? Do you ask the kid or colleague who’s sitting by themselves to sit with you? Do you care what others think? Jesus was the most inclusive person to walk the planet. Watch this video and be inspired to behave like Jesus, even if it risks your reputation. Written and presented by Andrea […]

A Joy-Filled Christmas – Psalm 98:4

How are you feeling this Christmas? Excited, anxious, sad? This season brings a lot of different feelings, but one emotion we hope everyone experiences is joy. In this video we will talk about the physical joy that came to the world—Jesus Christ. Written and presented by Marquise Cox. If you’re looking for a way to […]

What Do You Think About Church? – Proverbs 3:3–4

How do you see the church? How do your friends see the church? As followers of Jesus we have the opportunity to be the church and reverse the assumptions the world has about Christians. Watch this video to learn how! Written and presented by Samer Massad. If you want to help us share the life-saving […]

Better than a New Phone! – Hebrews 8:13

Have you ever thought of Jesus like a smartphone? Today’s phones seem to carry everything we need and more (bank, weather channel, tv, computer, calculator, etc). Watch this video and remember when you’re tempted to believe you need specific things to be fulfilled this Christmas, we already have everything we need because of Jesus. Written […]

Build Up vs. Tear Down – Ephesians 4:29

We all know that one person—the one who no matter what you’re going through, they went through something worse. In this video, we’re reminded from Ephesians 4 that whatever comes out of our mouths should be encouraging and uplifting to those around us. Who can you encourage today? Written and presented by Ebony Powell. Want […]

The Christmas Countdown – Isaiah 7:14

What’s your favorite Christmas song? The familiar tune ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’ has a theme that resonates throughout the whole year. As the wise men anticipated the coming of their Savior, in this video we anticipate both the celebration of Christ’s birth and His second coming. Presented by Andrea Chatelain. Written by Nicky Bower. […]