Shine like a Lighthouse! – Matthew 5:13–16

When people see how Jesus has changed our lives, they’ll be more inclined to believe He can make a difference in their own. Tune in to today’s video for a reminder of how we can be a light to others. Written by Xochitl Dixon. Presented by Krystal Cox. Like, Share, and Subscribe at to […]

Scratch Plow – Luke 9:62

It’s easy to be distracted from what really matters in life. In the gospel of Luke, chapter 9, Jesus uses a metaphor featuring a popular agricultural tool of the time—a scratch plow—to illustrate that Christ followers must harness themselves to an intentional focus on sustaining and advancing the kingdom of God. Written and presented by […]

Repay with Peace, Not Revenge – Romans 12:17–18

Our broken world will always have people who wrong us and disappoint us. It’s tempting to want to seek revenge, but learn from Trip Lee in today’s video about what it looks like to repay evil with peace. Written and presented by Trip Lee. For more resources on this topic, check out On the Shoulders […]

Correction in Love – Proverbs 27:6

A good friendship has many qualities: shared interests and experiences, encouragement, and laughter. But a truly good friendship has an extra quality that we sometimes don’t want: the truth. Watch the video for wisdom on receiving correction from friends. Written and presented by Sheridan Voysey. Like, Share, and Subscribe at to get these Daily […]