The Book of Sadness – Lamentations 3:22–25

Do you have a movie that makes you #uglycry? The irony is that even through the hurt and pain of these stories, a beautiful truth speaks to our souls. Lamentations is that book of the Bible. The author expresses pain, but within those verses are the fingerprints of God’s faithfulness that are comforting to us […]

Believing Is Seeing – John 3:1–3

Things aren’t always what they seem, right? Fake news, photoshopped images, and altered videos are becoming normal. Sometimes we have to fact-check and investigate before we see the truth. The same can be true spiritually. There is so much God reveals about His kingdom, but there’s something we must do before we’re truly able to […]

When Enemies Thrive – Obadiah 1:3

Does it bother you when good things happen to people who do you wrong? It doesn’t seem fair when others are rewarded for seemingly bad behavior. It can even make you question God. However, in our limited understanding we can fully trust God, knowing everything He does is intentional. Watch today’s video for encouragement in […]

How to Live the “Good Life” – Ecclesiastes 9:7

Does God want us to live the “good life”? Sometimes guilt can creep in and cause us to second-guess the good things we enjoy. If God has given you a blessing, do you think He would want you to miss out on it? Today’s video brings biblical wisdom and insight about embracing the gifts God […]

A Good Habit Is Hard to Find – 1 Chronicles 16:11

Breaking old habits and replacing them with good new habits can be challenging—especially when you try to do them all at one time. The good news is, you don’t have to do them all alone. God is with you, even when you’re struggling to build your new habits. Watch today’s video for encouragement about His […]