A One-Word Prayer – Matthew 8:23-27

Sometimes long, eloquent prayers feel appropriate for our alone time with God. But other times, when the chaos of life comes rushing in, there is only one word that we can muster up enough strength to say—Jesus. His name calms storms. Watch today’s video to be inspired by the power of this one-word prayer. Written […]

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow – Proverbs 23:18

Black History Month can be a time of reflecting on pain. But it also presents a beautiful opportunity to remember that God is in control. Let’s celebrate all that He’s done this far and pray for continuous healing and unity for our country. Written by Joyce Dinkins. Presented by Gloria Umanah. Watch Rasool Berry explain […]

The Tree God Intends Us to Be – Jeremiah 17:5–8

Do you know how God wants you to live? You don’t have to overthink it. He’s already revealed it through nature. Scripture speaks of two trees and how they relate to our lifestyle. One tree is flourishing, while the other struggles in the desert. Watch today’s video to see how God’s desire for you is […]

Why God Hates Sin – John 8:1–11

Does God hate sin? It’s something you often hear from street corner preachers with signs that read, “Repent or burn in hell.” While their methods may be extreme, they are right about one thing. God does hate sin, because it destroys the people He loves so much. Watch today’s video for encouragement about God’s love […]

Know Your Limits – Genesis 3:4–5, 19

We don’t tend to appreciate limitations. They bring us face to face with our humanity. But boundaries weren’t made to hinder us, rather to encourage us to lean on God. When we recognize our limits, we can see our Father as truly limitless. Watch today’s video to be inspired by God’s sovereignty on Ash Wednesday […]

Living a Counterculture Life – Acts 4:18–19

When we’re a follower of Christ, our lifestyle may look a lot different from society’s standards. We may look silly to some people because we strive to live a God-honoring life. That’s not new to our generation but has been the case for thousands of years. Thankfully, our Father knows what we’re going through and […]

Reset and Refresh – Matthew 6:10

What are you praying for? Sometimes we concentrate our efforts on ourselves, our loved ones, and the results we want to see in our lives. It’s common to pray from our perspective. But there is something greater that we should be communicating with God about—His will. Watch today’s video to reset and refresh your prayer […]