The Easter Eucatastrophe – 1 Peter 1:3

We’ve heard and witnessed catastrophe. But what is an eucatastrophe? Although it sounds extreme, it’s actually favorable. Watch today’s video to be inspired by the Easter eucatastrophe that blesses followers of Jesus. Written and presented by Vincent Powell. Discover how Jesus restores hope in you, just as He did Peter in this video.

Love Never Fails -1 Corinthians 13:8

Kindness, goodness, compassion, joy, wisdom, and patience are all characteristics we should exhibit. But that’s impossible to do without love. Today’s video reveals why love is a necessary force in a believer’s life. Written and presented by Eryn Eddy. Witness the beauty of a restored relationship after one man encounters God.

It All Belongs to God – Colossians 1:16

Purchasing a home. Buying a car. These are monumental decisions because they signify ownership. But as believers in Christ, do we own anything? Everything belongs to Christ, and we are the stewards. Watch today’s video to find out why this is significant. Written by Shelby Abbott. Presented by Caleb Morgan. Sometimes the lyrics of a […]