Are You “Living Low”? – John 13:14

It’s easy to wait for others to serve us, and it’s so much harder to serve others first. Jesus gave us a profound model of service. Be reminded in today’s video about the power of living low! Written and presented by Samer Massad. Like, Share, and Subscribe at to get these Daily Devotional Videos […]

The Power in Short Prayers – Matthew 14:30

Who said your prayers have to be long and sound fancy? When Peter began sinking he cried “Lord, save me!” And Jesus did. In this video, Christian author Greg Stier tells a personal story about how sometimes the shortest prayers are the most honest and powerful. Written and presented by Greg Stier. Like, Share, and […]

With Childlike Faith – Matthew 18:3

Sometimes all the responsibilities of adulthood can overshadow all the simplicities of childhood. But children have wonderful qualities that are celebrated in the Bible. Watch this video to be encouraged by the importance of childlike faith! Written and presented by Ebony Powell. Like, Share, and Subscribe at to get these Daily Devotional Videos sent […]

The Platinum Rule – John 13:34-35

We’ve all heard the golden rule. But what if we’re really supposed to treat others better than what we would want for ourselves? Watch today’s video as we explore what it means to live out the greater love that Jesus demonstrates. Written and presented by Samer Massad. Like, Share, and Subscribe at to get […]