Living Out Our True Identity – Ephesians 2:10

Throughout our lives, we’ll be given many different hats to wear. With those hats comes a whirlwind of identity labels that can be both good and bad. Yet the best name tag that we can ever wear is one that will never be taken away—beloved child of God! Watch today’s video to dig into Scripture that celebrates who you truly are in God’s eyes.

Written and presented by Fabiola Romero-Clark.

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Not Ashamed of the Gospel – Romans 1:16

Would you ever share the gospel with someone on a dare? Watch today’s video devotional to be inspired by author Greg Stier’s crazy family story of radical transformation.

Written and presented by Greg Stier.

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Actions That Can Multiply – 1 Samuel 3:19–4:1

Would you consider yourself a follower, or a leader? No matter which one you are, the smallest of actions can inspire others and lead to a positive chain reaction far beyond our expectations. Watch today’s video to see how our echoes of action and influence can be what God uses to complete His plans for us and others.

Written and presented by Elisa Morgan.

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Does Appearance Matter to God? – 1 Samuel 16:7

They say don’t judge a book by its cover. Well, how else do you judge it? We do it all the time. We rate people based on their clothing, career, cars, houses, and even social media feed. But does God? Thankfully, He has a better system which goes beyond outer appearances. Watch today’s video to see how God looks at a person and learn how you should too.

Written by Marvin Williams. Presented by Vincent Powell.

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Why Should You Read the Bible? – Psalm 119:105

How often do you read the Bible? When you do read it, is it to check a box or to grow closer to Christ? Remember that God’s Word is a gift to help guide us in life—something we reach for because we desire to, not because we feel like we have to.

Written and presented by Darren Youngstrom.

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Do Good & Leave the Rest to God – Galatians 6:9–10

When life feels heavy, we can feel bitter and hopeless. In this video, be encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul to “not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Your work is not for nothing.

Written and presented by Jean Sohn.

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The Father Loves His Children – 2 Corinthians 5:21

Do you know how loved you are? In this video, you’ll be reminded that before the creation of the world, God knew your name. He knew when you would live and where, and He wrote a beautiful story for you. The next time you feel unloved, think about the love God has for you.

Written and presented by Vincent Powell.

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With Humility Comes Wisdom – Proverbs 11:2

Do you seek wisdom? In this video, we hear what King Solomon had to say in Proverbs 11 about the benefits of having wisdom. Unfortunately, pride comes naturally, but when you gain wisdom, you will also gain what we all long for—a greater intimacy with God.

Written and presented by Samer Massad.

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Forgiving Ain’t Easy – Luke 6:27–29

Forgiving is a difficult thing to do. It may feel like you’re giving up or not getting justice, or maybe you just want to hold onto the grudge. While we may struggle to understand forgiveness, Jesus models a different perspective that changes everything.

Written by Jake Norris. Presented by Daniel Ryan Day.

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